Welcome to ReZonatz,
Listed below are the BEST RELEASES of 2022.

Let me start off by saying that I have been in the music business as a fan and music promoter for over 40 years, and these are without a doubt the finest releases I have heard or purchased copies of this year.

There is always one better than the other depending on who you talk to, and in my opinion, these albums reflect one person’s taste, mine… They are not based on most album sales, plays, fan poles, or freebies for a vote, for this reason, unlike other best-of articles, this list is intentionally not numbered, instead, the list is in alphabetical order to give them all the best of status.

This is not a genre-specific list so what you will discover here, is some of the world’s best music by some of the most talented musicians and artists in many different styles, don’t be afraid to sample them all.

The ReZident

A Gardening Club ProjectMr. October And The Moon Of MadnessMelodic Revolution RecordsBandcamp
Ann WilsonFierce BlissSilver Lining MusicYouTube
Beth HartA Tribute to Led ZeppelinProvogue/MascotYouTube
Big Big TrainWelcome To The PlanetEnglish Electric RecordingsYouTube
BirthBornBad Omen RecordsBandcamp
BjörkFossoraOne Little Independent RecordsBandcamp
Brandi CarlileIn Tese Silent DaysLow Country SoundYouTube
Capitol TheaterA Hero’s JourneyIndependentYouTube
Captain Of The Lost WavesHidden Gems Chapter 3IndependentBandcamp
ChicagoBorn For The MomentBMGYouTube
Comedy Of ErrorsTime MachineIndependentBandcamp
David HelplingInSpotted Peccary MusicBandcamp
David LongdonDoor OneEnglish Electric RecordingsYouTube
The Dear HunterAntimaiCave & Canary GoodsBandcamp
Envy Of NoneEnvy Of NoneKscopeBandcamp
The FixxEvery Five Seconds BFD RecordsYouTube
The Flower KingsBy Royal DecreeInside Out Music/SonyYouTube
GhostImperaLoma Vista RecordingsYouTube
The Haggis HornsStand Up For LoveIndependentBandcamp
H.e.a.tForce Majeure Ear MusicYouTube
IconicSecond Skin Frontiers Music SRLYouTube
ImaginaeriumThe Rise of MediciAnesthetize ProductionsBandcamp
Jazz SabbathVol. 2IndependentBandcamp
JourneyFreedomFrontiers Music SRLYouTube
Kévin MannonPhase SombreIndependentBandcamp
Kula Shaker1st Congregational Church Of Eternal Love And Free Hugs Strange Folk RecordsYouTube
Lana LaneNeptune BlueFrontiers Music SRLYouTube
Lisa GentileStart FlyingGentileland RecordsYouTube
Lobate ScarpYou Have It AllIndependentBandcamp
Mackenzie RoarkRollin’ High, Feelin’ LowIndependentBandcamp
Mike FlorioArtifacts Vol. 2IndependentHearnow
MuseWill of The PeopleWarner RecordsYouTube
Octarine SkyClose to NearbyIndependentBandcamp
O.R.K.ScreamnasiumKscope RecordsBandcamp
Ozzy OsbournePatient Number 9Epic RecordsYouTube
Panic! At The DiscoViva Las VengeanceFueled By RamenYouTube
Pattern-Seeking AnimalsOnly Passing ThroughInside Out Music/SonyBandcamp
Poets Of The FallGhostlightPlayground MusicYouTube
Porcupine TreeClosure/ContinuationInside Out Music/SonyYouTube
Praying MantisKatharsisFrontiers Music SRLYouTube
Randa And The Soul KingdomPut Your Hands UpIndependentBandcamp
Rani ChatoorgoonShaktiIndependentBandcamp
Renée TheréseBetter With FriendsIndependentBandcamp
Ryo OkumotoThe Myth Of The MostrophusInside Out Music/SonyYouTube
Simple MindsDirection of the HeartBMG YouTube
Six By SixSix By SixInside Out Music/SonyYouTube
SoenAtlantisSilver Lining MusicYouTube
Sun King RisingSigns & WondersPeacockSunrise RecordsBandcamp
Tears For FearsThe Tipping PointConcord RecordsYouTube
Time HorizonPower Of ThreeMelodic Revolution RecordsBandcamp

The goal here was to share with you some of my favorite 2022 releases in hopes that you may discover something new, whether it be Rock, Metal, Pop, Jazz, Country, Progressive, International, Spiritual, Blues, Ambient, and so on.

Enjoy & Thank You for supporting ReZonatz


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