Doodswens Black Metal is a bleak, distorted wave of negative energy according to the tenets set by the Scandinavian originators but with their own new organic reflection of darkness. Their name translating to the term “Death Wish,” Doodswens breathe new life into the dust of the past, inspired by the rawness of the ‘90s and capturing the black hearts of a new throng of acolytes as they ignite the gloom.
Founded in Eindhoven in 2017 by Fraukje van Burg (vocals and guitar) and Inge van der Zon (drums), Doodswens initially erupted into the underground scene in 2019 with their demo, which sent a shiver through its decaying corpse. With their debut album ‘Lichtvrees’, Doodswens opens up the cesspit of the human condition, giving voice to our bleakest emotions through old-school Black Metal like a freshly dug grave. Proudly expressing feelings of inner negativity and depression, Doodswens have taken the promise of their underground roots and crystallized their very own atmospheric war ofsound on “Lichtvrees,” making it an enthralling and captivating inception.
With deathly conviction and intense passion, they bring their music alive on stage, playing at Roadburn Festival and many esteemed nocturnal events, their cult infamy leading them to be picked for a support slot on Marduk’s upcoming tour of Europe. If you like your Black Metal served especially cold, but with a wide-screen atmosphere, then Doodswens could be your new moonless catharsis. ‘Lichtvrees’ is a highly conceptual work, which deals with life and death, reaching enlightenment and fulfilling the symbolical “death wish” that Doodswens represents. Cast your shadow in the unholy light of ‘Lichtvrees’ and discover a rising new star in the Black Metal cosmos.
For the first taste of ‘Lichtvrees’, check out the video for the new single “In mijn Bloed”, which can be found below.
The word Doodswens translates as ‘death wish’. Wishing for one’s death is a taboo, deeply embedded in modern society. A society that shuns the dark, the negative, the depressed, in favor of meaningless and flawed perceptions of happiness and perfection. An unreality, where our inner darkness boils beneath the veneer of our daily lives. That darkness takes shape in Doodswens.
Doodswens goes against the grain, opening up the cesspit of the human condition, giving voice to our bleakest emotions through old-school black metal. Against a society thatobscures pain, against the light, proudly expressing feelings of inner negativity and depression. Erecting a wall of sound, playing bleak, distorted music, according to the classic tenets set by the Scandinavian originators, that drowns out everything else in a singular expression.
Founded in 2017 in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, they landed in the scene in 2019 with their demo, which sent a shiver through its decaying corpse. Recently, the band signed tothe underground stalwarts Svart Records from Finland for the release of their debut album: ‘Lichtvrees’ (translation: fear of light).
Fraukje van Burg (vocals and guitar)
Inge van der Zon (drums)
Doodswens (demo) – 2019
From the Shadows of theAbyss (split w/ Adversarius) – 2020