Singer-Songwriter Brian Mackey releases video and single for his new song “Keep The World Alive”

Song “Keep The World Alive” ” Written and performed by Brian Mackey Produced by Brian Mackey Guitar Jeff King Violin Tammy King Mixed + Mastered by Jim Kimball

Video Produced by Brian Mackey + Beth Slocum Edited by Beth Slocum Video Footage Licensed from:

Brian Mackey displays new hope for the world during trying times in his new single “Keep the World Alive,” written to highlight how life has changed amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

From the beginning of time, humans across our world have made incredible life-changing accomplishments. We put a man on the moon, invented the computer, put an airplane in the sky, just to name a few. Modern technology has brought us truly into a world of wonder, but at the same time has also brought hustle, speed, and lack of cherished moments with our families in our daily practices.

While this world is undergoing the most contagious global pandemic in our lifetime, we are forced to remind ourselves of what means the most. Some of us are fortunate to be able to take the forced breathe and look back on things from many years ago that we may have taken for granted. As a society we now, more than ever, appreciate those on the front lines putting their lives at risk for us – the nurses, the truckers, the factory workers – all who often go unsung, and keep our world alive while we sleep.

For now, the once simple pleasures such as gathering food at the supermarket give us a hint of what our ancestors experienced during the great depression. Food was rationed, supplies were limited, money was tight and nothing went to waste. The stock market crashed, millions of jobs lost. Remember the days we wasted toilet paper on Halloween? Or at children’s birthday parties? Never did we image how hot of a commodity it would be…

Stream “Keep the World Alive” on Spotify
Download “Keep the World Alive” on Apple Music

Keep The World Alive ©Brian Mackey 2020


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