Here we have a brand-new partnership from two artists who have already made names for themselves performing solo, and although they are both proud Kiwis, they have each won The Music Victoria Awards. Even though Matt only released his latest album a few months ago, this new partnership is already touring the country performing songs from their catalogues as well as new ones they have been writing and recording, of which this is the first. Acoustic guitars, drums, bass, mandolin, violin and accordion all combine to create an accompaniment which is both wistful and dynamic, laid-back, but with just the right amount of strength to provide the perfect foundation for the singers.

They are both very highly regarded in the world of alt-country, and here they trade verses with each other in a very relaxed manner. Neither has anything to prove, they are comfortable in their own performances, and consequently there are no egos at work as instead they sit back and invite us warmly into their world. When they are both singing then it is the broad baritone of Matt which is the lead, with Kerryn harmonising, but she is the one who starts the song itself, inviting the response from Matt. It is a very easy song to get inside, with a basic drum and bass in simple 4/4, with allowing the other instruments to follow the melody or add nuances, with the violin being allowed to wander where it will, but always bringing us back to the vocals. I feel myself very lucky to catch them in concert the other week, and based on this I can’t wait for the album. For all lovers of country music.    
8/10 Kev Rowland


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