I don’t think I will ever get used to just how much amazing music there is out there for people willing to look and forego popular radio stations. Last year I was asked if I would like to review a duo I had not previously come across, who were over here from America where they are generally based. It was only on meeting them that I discovered they were normally a trio, but the third member had not travelled. That night I was blown away by Danielle Cichon (vocals) and Nicholas Stone (vocals, electric guitar, acoustic guitar) and intrigued to discover that Danielle (from Colorado) and Nicholas (from NZ) had met in Peru of all places, and discovered they were kindred spirits in so many ways. I was fortunate enough to catch them again the next night in a supporting role, and their set was way too short (check out their debut Luxumbra and thank me later).

I am not sure I will forgive them for coming back to Aoteaora for way too short a timeframe this year (which meant I missed seeing them), but the migratory birds have a lot going on at the moment so it soon back to Tennessee where they now live for most of the year. However, they have left us with the first single of their next album, Of Sea and Sky, and when music is as beautiful as this, one must sit and be enraptured by the majesty of what is unfolding. The third member of the band, Alexander Stradal (cello, acoustic guitar, bass, vocals), has added some touches which bring in sadness and longing, with a cello adding additional depths probably not heard in this genre since the late great Harry Chapin. There is also a fourth person involved in this song, drummer Christopher Kearney, but he is incredibly restrained, adding just the right amount of bite.

Anyone who has seen these guys play know how the love for each other is apparent at all times, and now they are singing their story to each other, beck and call in some places and harmonies in others, but always full of passion and wonderment. The song is full of space, with plenty of room for two hearts to move between all the musical strands and find each other. Sublime.    
10/10 Kev Rowland


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