Zebadiah Crowe, more horrors from the midnight shadows are unleashed in ‘Godblind And Destitute‘…

The onslaught of darkness from the ressurected Zebadiah Crowe continues with the stunning new video single from their comeback album, Host Rider. ‘Godblind And Destitute’ is one of the most vicious and spiteful tracks ever summoned into life by Forrrthen and The Horrid, the malicious beasts that lurk in the heart of the Zebadiah Crowe tornado – and the accompanying video is a violent assault of confusion, chaos, ritual and death worship.

Share this missive from hell far and wide and spread the gospel of Zebadiah Crowe throughout the land. They have returned, never to depart and the end of all things is nigh.

The Host Rider album is out on June 15th through Lore Breaker Records and already its insidious wickedness permeating the minds of the critics…

“You will find no melodies, ballads, or singalong choruses here, just blood-curdling ferocity.” – METALLUM SUB TERRA

“… this is more than black metal, is more of an extreme noise – duo act, that crawled out the pit of madness and chaos.” – METAL 1 ON 1

“… almost bestial from the beginning to the end…” – THE BIBLE OF METAL

For more information on Zebadiah Crowe click here
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Visit Lore Breaker Records