Sidewinder are a new band formed in Wellington towards the end of last year and comprise Jason Curtis (lead vocals) Ben Sargent (guitar) Thomas Rousell (guitar) Sean Fitzpatrick (bass) Corey Mudge (drums). This is their second single, following on from the successful debut ‘Sirens’, and they are working towards an album released later in the year. One would never think that these guys come from the capital of Aotearoa, as they sound as if they would be way more at home in the Southern states of America. They play a groove laden brand of bluesy desert rock with a grungy, southern rock twist, molten and morphed into weird shapes all imbued with a love of Kyuss and Foo Fighters.

Jason has a very strong baritone, throwing edges onto it, which is just what he needs when trying to make an inroad into the slabs of riffs being thrown in his direction. However, the guys also know when to lighten it up so that when they come back they are stronger than ever, and this use of contrast and dynamics certainly makes for a very solid release indeed. I am certainly looking forward to catching these guys live when they finally make it up to Auckland, and am intrigued to hear more. One for those who love their heavy music to be just that, with strong stoner, grunge and southern rock influences.
7/10 Kev Rowland


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