Robeone is releasing his eighth album, “Optimistica” with the title cut as its music video on September 27, 2024. (The music video will be out on September 24). “The theme of the record is being optimistic in these crazy times. The music is to carry you away from all the negativity and bickering.

“Optimistica” is a jazzy tune with upbeat and fun instrumentals. “My hope is for it to carry the listeners away from their troubles.”

The music video for “Optimistica,” which also goes live on September 27, was created by Blake Carpenter, who produced past two other videos –“Broken Days” and “Peace A Dream”—from the album. The video offers insight into Robeone’s personality, with two of his passions—playing keyboards and watching dozens of dogs play outdoors. “I love animals,” he says, “I have three dogs and am fostering three others.” Watch the “Optimistica” music video at

The “Optimistica” album, which is instrumental using 11 different keyboards, is inspired by a range of his emotions and experiences. The tender piano-led “Billie’s Heart” is dedicated to his wife for 50 years of service at her job at the community hospital. The bluesy “Possibly Blue” remembers Robeone’s friend Rhett Tyler, an amazing guitar man, who recently passed.

Reflective instrumentals about our times are “Broken Days” where he wails his keyboards, and “Peace a Dream” offers an introspective tempo. Robeone lets loose in “No Clue.” The last composition on “Optimistica” is “Colors,” which he says, “is to leave you in peace and calmness.”

Like all of Robeone’s previous releases, 100% of the sales go to the Bob Moog Foundation. The CD and Vinyl versions have a QR code for donations, and Robeone is “making T Shirts with the QR code on the back!” In addition to having a space at the Moogseum in Asheville, NC, “Optimistica” is available through Bandwagon USA and Bandcamp.

He will be performing at ProgStock, in Rutherford, NJ, this October 18-20. Also he’s curating outdoor performances and premiering the album in person for the first time.

Robeone (aka Robert Schindler) has been recording since the early 1970s. He’s worked with notables Ronnie Spector and for Johnny Nash when “I Can See Clearly Now” was a hit. He played with progressive rockers Mayson on Bearsville Records, pop rock acts The States on Chrysalis and Boardwalk Records. He’s in the progressive rock group ZOOM with Paul Landry on New Age Music Planet Records. Recently he recorded with two different Melodic Revolution Records’ artists Tony Romero’s Vortex and Joe Mac’s American Garage. He’s played live at a number of Festivals—most recently ProgStock and RosFest. Robert also worked on the award-winning soundtrack to “The Fiery Narrows – Following the Path of John Charles Fremont.”

Keyboards Used on “Optimistica”:

Moog Subsequent 37

Mellotron M4000D

Roli Seaboard

Expressive_e Osmose

Yamaha S80

ASM Hydrasynth

Kurtzweil Artis

Korg M3

Roland AX-Edge

Technics KN7000

Kurtzweil K2000

“Optimistica” Track Listing

Billie’s Heart 7:58
Broken Days 5:11
No Clue 3:56
Optimistica 6:11
Peace A Dream 5:22
Possibly Blue 5:07
Colors 6:10

All Songs Copyright Robeone Music BMI 2024 Transglobal Records

Online Stores for “Optimistica”

Bandwagon USA:

Moog Foundation: